Roads and Recycling
Recycling is the ideal because we take the materials we already have, reusing it. Also, we reduce the need to buy new material. That translates into a big saving.
Grinding the material gives the possibility to use it somewhere else, and can be crushed really fine for more specific uses.
Material can be ground to fix roads and terraces (using the material where we need it.) Here the savings are greater because if a stone is left underneath, it will give structure and drainage to the road. In this way, roads are done faster, avoiding appereance of puddles, and making the road last longer.
Another advantage is, in this case, tha roads will present a layer of 15-30 centimeters of crushed material (depending of the amount of material we use.) Therefore, there’s no need to provide new material when the road is damaged, it will be enough to use a cutter and leveler to fix the road.
If the road is made with natural stone, another great advantage is that small stones are left on the surface and the base stays compacted. This, often means that the road will not be dusty —very important in the Summer. (This is generally true but it depens on the type of stone.)
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